What will I learn during year 9 ?
During year 9 you will rotate around four carousel projects, exploring a range of topics within Design and Technology. You will put your new knowledge and skills to the test as you design, develop and make real working products which you can take home.
Food and NutritionIn Food and Nutrition you will learn about the role of nutrients in our bodies as you prepare a range of nutritional meals including...
-Fruity flapjacks -Chicken Stir-Fry -Fruit Plait -Potato wedges |
Design styles clockIn this project you will explore the history of design as you learn about several of the key design movements and products based on these styles.
You will put your knowledge to the test as you design your own product based on a design style from the last 100 years. You will work through the design process to develop and manufacture your own clock based on one of the design styles you explored as part of your research. |
Sweet dispenserDuring this project you will learn about the importance of sustainable design as you design, develop and make your own product which makes use of up-cycled products and renewable materials.
You will make your own working sweet dispenser using a range of materials and techniques. But! Most important of all, the key part of the product will be a plastic bottle that you have re-used instead of throwing it away. |
Pewter castingYou will learn about the source of metals as you explore a range of different examples and gain an understanding of why they are used in different applications.
This project focusses on the shaping of metals using the casting process which you will use as you mould your own metal product. You will design, develop and manufacture your own mould which you will then put to the test as you shape a small item of jewellery, key-tag or decoration. |